personality-filled portraits for high school seniors and small business owners in bourbonnais, illinois

Sarah Jane

SJP Model Squad

A Peek Inside the 2019 Model Squad

WOW, WOW, WOW! Could we have picked a more amazing group of girls for our 2019 Model Squad! Our first hangout was nothing short of a fabulous! Even though most of the girls were meeting for the first time, they all got along so well, ending the night with a group trip for DQ! Although the weather was not cooperating, we managed to shoot outside, starting with group shots and then moving on to headshots. These girls are SO much fun, and hope you have LOVED their celebrity headshots on social media! It was great to have Carleigh and Jenna from my 2018 Model Squad come along to help out and give the girls some tips and advice. Thank you, girls and good luck at college! Stay tuned to see what the 2019 Model Squad has been up too all summer!



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Sarah Jane Photography creates personality-filled portraits for high school seniors and business owners in and around Bourbonnais, Illinois.

Sarah Jane