As I reflect on the events of 2023, my heart swells with pride when thinking about The SJP Mod Squad. They are all amazing young women ready to take on their next grand adventure – high school graduation! Capturing their sparkling personalities in their senior photos was an absolute honor. No matter where life takes each of these incredible girls next, they can guarantee I will cheer them on with full support!

This year, we really went for it! From disco to washed up and everything in between, our six styled shoots had some serious glam. Our girls embraced each idea with sheer tenacity, bringing their unique personalities that lit up every single shoot. There’s no denying it was a truly successful season for us. I can not pick my favorite. With each new photoshoot, these girls outdid themselves – it’s almost like choosing a favorite child!
Despite coming from different schools and joining the Mod Squad as strangers, these girls formed a fierce bond that brought them together. Watching their relationships flourish without judgment or competition reminded us how authentic friendship could grow when given an open environment to do so in person – something sorely missing during this digital age! Without a doubt, it was one of the highlights of 2022/2023 to see everyone cheering each other on with such strong encouragement.
I may be shedding a tear of goodbye to our outgoing mod squad, but my joy for the incoming bunch? Off-the-charts! Applications are rolling in — I know this season will blow everyone away. The anticipation has been mounting, so let’s get it started already! (Today is the last day for applications – click here!)

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