personality-filled portraits for high school seniors and small business owners in bourbonnais, illinois

Sarah Jane


Ryanna Bennett | Class of 2020

Biggest inspiration in life?
My biggest inspiration would have to be my parents. Since the day I was born they have both worked so hard and do everything they can to make their kids happy.

Song that makes you feel alive?
A song that makes me feel most alive would have to be “Anything’ by Nirvana. My most vivid childhood memories are listening to music with my dad and he introduced me to Nirvana at a very young age.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I should be out of school and working in Dental Hygiene and I’d love to live up north towards the city!

What do you love about your hometown?
Something I love about my hometown is that it’s where I met my best friends. When I’m old and come back to Clifton, I’ll remember growing up with them and all of the memories we have together.

Mod Squad: @ryannabennett

Make Up: rw.browandmakeup

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Sarah Jane Photography creates personality-filled portraits for high school seniors and business owners in and around Bourbonnais, Illinois.

Sarah Jane