“Be yourself; everyone is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
This quote that Leslie used in her album just oozes her personality! Kind, strong-willed, unique and stunning – just a few things I could say about her! We were able to enjoy a perfect fall evening together with her Mama! If you are a lover of fall, then you will agree that these images of Leslie are drool-worthy! She seriously dazzled in front of the camera by being herself. Leslie’s ideal senior portrait experience was full of fall trees, beautiful colors and the most perfect sunset. We didn’t have to go far from home, be-bopping around to some of my local Kankakee hot spots, then headed right over to the Kankakee River State Park. We created an album of the lovely human she has become, and I think we nailed it!
When you are thinking about your senior portrait experience, think about who you are and how you want to remember yourself. Picture your favorite time of year and all the things that make you, YOU! One of my favorite things that Leslie did was incorporate her school sports! This chapter in your life holds so many important details… why not include EVERYTHING?! Props, let’s use them? Venue, let’s go there? Listen, I am ready to take this journey with you! Let’s make it one we won’t forget! Get in touch here! If you’re still not sure, check out Leslie’s review!
If you’ve found your way to this delightful little corner of the internet, I just want to give you the warmest virtual high-five. Seriously, it’s like finding a hidden treasure! Want to join me on this visual adventure? Let’s stay connected, my friend! Hop over to @sarahjanehphoto on Instagram and Sarah Jane Photo on Facebook, where I’ll be sharing more of my work, behind-the-scenes fun, and keeping you in the loop about my latest projects. Oh, and guess what? If you ever feel like a good ol’ chit-chat, head on over to my website: SarahJanePhotography.net, and shoot me a message. I’m positively thrilled to hear from you!

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