It’s been a wild ride, hasn’t it? But, seniors, C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S – you made it! From college or university classes to starting new jobs – you are on the verge of an exciting journey, THE NEXT ADVENTURE! So, go out and OWN IT! And for those juniors entering their senior year – C O N G R A T S to you, too, as you come into a transformational time in your life with all the possibilities ahead.

Now (yes, now!) is the perfect opportunity to reflect on this important milestone – your final year of high school! So 2024 Mod Squad took a break from their busy day-to-day and spent some downtime reflecting to help shape their next big adventure. Together we created vision boards which are a fantastic self-reflection tool. (Check out a very special Mod Squad 2023 vision board version HERE!) Remember, your last year of high school holds incredible opportunities for personal growth and unforgettable moments.
As 2024 Mod Squad knows, I highly encourage you to take advantage of what senior year offers – don’t be afraid to dream big and revel in every moment. So, let’s get started! What are your goals for senior year? Share them with me in the comments below – I’d love to hear all about your plans for the future.

Looking to book a senior session? Click here!
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